Monday, August 19, 2013

Victoria's Secret "Pure Daydream" Fragrance, Lotion, + Shower Gel Review

Victoria's Secret "Pure Daydream" Fragrance
A few months ago I was in Victoria's Secret with my sister shopping for a bathing suit when I wandered into the beauty section.*Danger. Danger. Danger.* I started smelling all of Victoria Secret's new fragrances (again danger) when I stumbled across this one--"Pure Daydream". It was love at first smell. I needed a new makeup bag for my trip to Hawaii and when I saw that an adorable naval seafoam makeup bag came with the "Pure Daydream" fragrance, lotion, and shower gel, I knew tat it was fate. I haven't been this obsessed with a Victoria's Secret fragrance since I discovered "Pure Seduction" in high school. 

Victoria's Secret Fragrance, Lotion, + Shower Gel in "Pure Daydream"
To me, "Pure Daydream" is a young, sweet floral and citrus smell. Which is a semi-accurate description because according to Victoria's Secret, "Pure Daydream" is smells like pearl orchid and pink currant. "Pure Daydream" is not going to be the perfect scent for everyone. Like most Victoria's Secret fragrances, it extremely sweet and potent when first sprayed (but the scent will fade quickly). For the past month or two, I've been wearing nothing but Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh and this fragrance. Daisy Eau So Fresh is light and clean which is the opposite of "Pure Daydream".

 The "Pure Daydream" lotion does a decent job of moisturizing but there are tons of other lotions that do a much better job. It isn't designed for the face and can leave a lightly greasy film on the skin if applied to thickly. However, the lotion outperforms both the fragrance and the shower gel in terms of the lasting power of the scent on your skin. If you want a more potent scent try layering the lotion and the fragrance (although I found that the combo is a bit too strong for me and I prefer to layer the shower gel with the fragrance). I doubt that I'll be repurchasing the lotion in the future but it's something that would be nice to give or receive as a gift.

And finally, the shower gel. I love the Victoria's Secrets shower gels. They're a luxury--they lather extremely well and is a cool and soothing when applied to the skin. I have the shower gel in "Endless Love" and I love it! Like the lotion, I doubt that I would repurchase the shower gel anytime soon. It only takes a month or two to use up the entire bottle (there is a reason why everyone seems to have a shower gel in their empty products videos) and I can't justify buying a new bottle at $10 each month. It's a luxury but not a necessity. But it's a very, very good smelling luxury.

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  1. Oh i sooo badly want these to come to the UK, we only have the PINK scents over here, or the actual perfume versions :(

    Lovely blog, would love you to follow mine back.

    Frankie xXx

  2. it's definitely a nice luxury to have from time to time. :)

    <3, Mimi

  3. great review, wanna try it out

  4. Hi! May i know if it smells more of pink currant or pearl orchid? :)

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