Monday, August 5, 2013

Maybelline "Pink Wink" Baby Lips Lip Balm Swatch + Review

Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm in "Pink Wink"
Happy August everyone! I can't believe that it's already August. It's crazy. But to start off the new month, I thought I would blog about a product that I absolutely loved in July. I'm sure since I've talked about how much I love the Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm in the flavors "Quenched" and "Pink Punch",  that it should come as no surprise that I'm also a big fan of the flavor "Pink Wink". I accidentally left "Quenched" in the car on the way to the airport so I've had to rely on "Pink Wink" to keep my lips moisturized. 

Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm in "Pink Wink"
"Pink Wink" is the middle ground between "Quenched" and "Pink Punch" in terms of formulation and pigmentation. "Quenched" is super moisturizing due to its very light formulation. "Pink Punch" will keep your lips moisturized but it has a heavier formulation and in my experience I've found that it isn't as effective. "Pink Wink" is somewhere in the middle. "Pink Punch" is a true tinted lip balm, "Quenched" gives the lips no extra color, and "Pink Wink" is somewhere in between. 

Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm in "Pink Wink"
Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm in "Pink Wink"

-Fun and youthful packaging
-Fruity smell
-Fantastic price ($3.99)

-Not very pigmented (can look washed out)

As you can see, "Pink Wink" is not very pigmented. It gives a subtle wash of color to the lips but not much else. I am hesitant to call this product a tinted lip balm because the color is so hard to see. Out of the four Baby Lips that I own, "Pink Wink" is easily my least favorite when it comes to color. In certain lighting the color can make me look a little washed out. I don't know if I would recommend it to people with medium or olive skin tones based solely on the color of the product. But while it may not pack a huge punch in the pigmentation department, this stuff does a really great job of keeping your lips soft and smooth. It's a nice alternative to "Quenched" which is my favorite flavor. Plus, this stuff smells amazing. I can't get enough of the fruity smell. Yum!

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  1. Pretty color! I need to get myself some baby lips :)
    Thanks for checking out my blog, I'm from Seattle too!

    Katie Citizen Images

  2. I realllyyy want to try one of these but i cant seem to find them in the UK anywhere :(


    1. Superdrug has just started to sell these in the UK
      Lauren x

  3. Gorgeous swatch! Can't wait for their UK release
    Emma x

  4. I LOVE baby lips
    they are awesome
    and super moisturizing

  5. When I tried this product I didn't have such a good experience, I might just have to give it another go though. Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

  6. I've never heard of this shade. I really want to get Quenched!

  7. I bought the baby lips when I was in Canada and I used the cherry one religiously during the winter. I think it is slightly more pigmented than yours. They are, generally, supposed to be quite sheer, with them being lip balms and all :)


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