Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Share the Love: The Best Beauty Gurus on YouTube Pt. One

Ingrid is no longer just a beauty guru. She has expanded her YouTube resume to include vlogging, cat-enthusiast, and even singing. Her videos are extremely professional and high-quality but she still manages to let her personality shine through. Her GIY (Glam It Yourself) videos teach you how to make anything from makeup brush holders to wrap bracelets to reusable shopping bags. But Ingrid is more than just looks, I'm always impressed with her "No Makeup" videos. She makes it a priority to  communicate to her viewers that makeup and looks aren't THE most important thing in the world.

These sisters are kicking butt and taking names. They're two of the original beauty gurus and no list would be complete without mentioning their names. These girls have managed to segue their YouTube success into a make-up line, novels based loosely on their lives (ala Lauren Conrad and her L.A. Candy series), and roles in movies and TV shows. They're two of the most well known gurus--on and off YouTube--but they're also two of the most criticized. It is amazing how many blogs are dedicated to bashing these two girls. Much of it is undeserved although at times their videos do seem more like a commercial than a conversation. But there is no denying that these girls are charismatic and funny and engaging. Elle's recent Makeup Mayhem series (she posted a video every other day in May) was a breath of bubbly fresh air and a welcome addiction to my subscription feed. Can't we have Makeup Mayhem all year round? But being in the spotlight has not always been an easy ride. It took a lot of guts for Blair to admit to the world that she'd had a nose job and you can't help but respect that kind of courage. 

Allison has two features--that for me--really stand out. Her bright blue eyes--they look so beautiful whether she is a brunette or a blonde. But that other feature that makes her stand out is her voice. I adore her voice--it is so calming and soothing and...I don't know how to explain it. Better that you just see for yourself. She makes videos on a wide range of topics and even has her own vlog channel--her running vlogs and book reviews are both addicting and motivational in their own way. Plus, her blog is a MUST read. She writes amazing reviews and (as I've mentioned a few times already) she has an amazing taste in nail polish. Unlike some of the women on this list, Allison uploads on a fairly regular basis which is a very, very good thing because, as I mentioned before, they're kind of addicting.

Michelle Phan is at the top of her game. She makes videos that are uber professional and is partnered with one of the most respected makeup brands in the world--Lancome. Now she is expanding with a new channel, FAWN, a jewelry line, and a monthly subscription service. There is no stopping her. She is the girl to look for makeup tutorials. Her range is impressive. She'd posted videos with looks inspired by french pastries, Final Fantasty characters, and Lady Gaga. The transformation from "before" to "after" is sometimes very difficult to believe. This girl knows her stuff and she is more than willing to share her secrets. 
I absolutely adore Louise! She is bubbly and sweet and hilarious (she is totally unafraid to say or do something silly). She is the perfect mix. I watch her when I want great information about a wide range of products while being thoroughly entertained. She exudes confidence and I enjoy all the zany things that come out of her mouth. She is so down-to-Earth. I think she is really beautiful and someone that any girl can relate to. Plus, did I mention the British accent or her daughter, Baby Glitter? Even though I am not married and don't want children for several years I find myself watching Louise's Baby Clothing Hauls. Darn you Louise and your charisma. She also writes a fantastic blog which everyone should check out. She's is one of my absolute favorites.
Lisa Eldridge is not your run of the mill beauty guru making beauty videos in her bedroom. She has done the makeup for celebritities like Nicole Richie, Liv Tyler, Lara Stone, and KATE WINSLET! Lisa has so much knowledge and experience that is amazing that she is willing to make videos and share it all. She is so professional and I learn something new in every single video. Lisa doesn't just know about makeup and how to use it but she is also very knowledgeable about the history of makeup and how its use has transformed over the years. Sidenote: Her Marilyn Monroe tutorial was the most informative and well-rounded tutorial I have ever seen. It was just fantastic. She is just fantastic.
Sam and Nic on pixiwoo pump out videos at an alarming rate--I'm not quite sure how they do it. They create makeup tutorials that range from crazy Halloween looks to everyday minimal makeup and somehow they make me want to try out all the looks on myself. Magic. It's got to be magic. These ladies are professional makeup artists and even teach classes for those looking to take their YouTube experience a step further. Too bad I live in the states or else I would be signed up in a heartbeat. They create content that is diverse and entertaining but I especially loved the makeup tutorial series that they published for women that had lost their hair in their fight against cancer. And you are probably already familiar with one of these ladies--Samantha--because she has created her own brushline--Real Techniques by Samantha Chapman. It is well loved by everyone in the beauty community and well as being loved by celebrities like Taylor Swift (you'll see her applying makeup with one of Samantha's brushes in her 22 music video). These ladies are unstoppable and I can't wait to see them grow.

So...what did you guys think? This is only part one of this little series but I have at least four more segments planned. There are so many fantastic women and men make beauty videos on YouTube that it would be nearly impossible to include them all in one blog post but I am determined to include as many as possible (no matter how many blog posts it takes). Do you watch any of the ladies I mentioned above? Who do you watch on YouTube? I really would love to hear your suggestions!

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  1. Lovely Post! I also enjoy watching essiebutton, shaaanxo, anniejaffrey, beautycrush, rachhloves, and checkinthemirror! :)

  2. Michelle Phan is my absolute favorite! I adore her. :) I really like itsjudytime as well.

    Love Mavin

  3. These are some of my favorites also! Such a great, creative post :)

  4. I love those youtubers too, but what about macbarbie07(Bethany) or stilababe09 (Meredith)
