Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Interview with Joslyn Davis from ClevverTV

Hello, lovely ladies. Today's post is featuring an exclusive interview with Joslyn Davis most well-known for her work hosting/producing/writing for ClevverTV on YouTube or hosting Project Runway Backstage. She's so talented and I was honored that I got the chance to talk with her. 

Okay, let's start with an easy one. Describe your style in three words or less.
California comfort trendy
Joslyn, how is Dana's [your co-host from Clevver TV] style different from yours?
We both are the type of people are who willing to try new trends. I love Dana's style, and her similar obsession with accessories. I love how she always looks chic and put together even when she's super casual.
You guys are always up to the date with all things pop culture but I'm wondering if you could have any celebrity's closet, who would it be?
Vanessa Hudgens, Gwen Stefani, Nicole Richie

If money were no option, what designer or brand would you live in?
Citizen of Humanity, DL 1961, Chanel, Rebecca Taylor, Catherine Malandrino
What is your favorite piece in your closet at the moment? And what is that piece in the store or on the runway that you've had your eye on?
Obsessed with my J-Brand Hoolihan skinny cargos still. Love premium denim, boots, dresses for all seasons. Really dying for a Chanel bag!

I think every dreams of having a Chanel bag. But have you ever worn something only to look back on it and wonder what you were thinking?
Not really. I wear weird stuff from time to time, but trying stuff out is the only way to see if it works on your body. I had a tragic look at Winter Formal in High School, but I still totally own it. Honestly though, it was horrible.
How starstruck were you when you interviewed your first celebrity? Do you still get nervous before a big interview?
Sometimes I get excited/anxious, but I don't tend to get too nervous or starstruck. When you see a famous person face-to-face it really takes away that barrier. They're all people just like the rest of us...they just live extraordinary lives that make them interesting in a different, more public way.

That's so true. Since you don't get nervous, who was your favorite person to interview?
So many, but I still think that Tim Gunn sticks out for me. I love that man. He is simply amazing.
What was it like when the first time you got recognized in public?
Well, honestly, that doesn't really happen. The only times I've been recognized by viewers or fans of the show is when I've been working. I absolutely love meeting people who watch the show and it's so flattering to know that people enjoy what we do.
How did ClevverTv start and what does the future hold? Is there anything that you can tell us about upcoming interviews or projects?
ClevverTV started about 3 years ago and has seen a progressive growth since then. We have tons of great content coming down the pipeline, and we're getting very excited about Prom coverage.

Check out ClevverTv for up to the date news on all things celebrity and pop culture! And if that's not enough, also stop by Joslyn's blog and her more personal channel!


  1. I love ClevverTV! Thanks for this interview! :)

    xo, gina

  2. I'm really liking these interviews.

  3. Fun interview!I haven't seen ClevverTV before, but I might have to check it out.

  4. Cool! I didn't know she had a blog or personal channel, how do you get all these interviews? =)

  5. This is awesome!!! Thanks so much for writing such a sweet interview:) xoxoox
