Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kate Middleton's Street Style

The last time I posted about the famous Kate Middleton it was extremely well-received among my readers. And so I figured that it was about time to highlight Kate's classy yet simplistic style. And now the couple have officially set the date! April 29, 2011. If you have plans, then cancel.
People have been buzzing non-stop over the future Princess Catherine of Wales. From the outside looking in, Kate's relationship with Prince William appears like a fairy-tale come true. It probably isn't as idyllic as all that but the couple seems genuinely happy together.

There has been much talk about alleged 'counseling' sessions meant to prepare Kate for the stressful future as the future Queen of England. Although none of this has been confirmed by Kate or the royal family. Kate is also supposed to attend etiquette classes to help her learn all of the archaic rules and regulations that a place of royalty requires. But I'm she picked up a thing or two in the eight years she's been seeing Prince William.

And just in case you wanted a replica of Princess Diana's/Kate Middleton's engagement ring, QVC has made one available only less than a week after the couple's announcement. Impressive, right? Would you buy one? Answer below in the comments! Wedding details should be released as the date gets closer.

Speaking about famous Brits, I am going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One on Saturday. So of course on Friday and Saturday I'll to publish Harry Potter themed posts. But no promises. For those of you who have seen it, what did you think?


  1. She is soo gorgeous, it's so exciting!!
    and DH was AWESOME, you're going to love it :)

  2. the movie was great! can't wait for part 2.
    and kate has great style! i have an outfit eerily similiar to the bottom right one posted. i suddenly feel more stylish :p

  3. she's so lucky but unlucky at the same time. :D but i'm happy for them! she's gorgeous too!


  4. so grgeous! i love the first look. :)

  5. I love ALL of these looks! She's gorgeous and I love her simple, chic style. Happy Thanksgiving, doll!
    xo Josie
