Sunday, July 17, 2011


Emma Watson cut her hair! :) Eeek! I love it. I absolutely adore women who are strong enough and bold enough to sport short hair. I don't think I'm in a position that I'm confident enough to cut off my hair. It's my safety blanket, I guess.

Emma said on her facebook that cutting her hair was "the most liberating thing ever." At some point in my life I want to be ready to cut it all off but I'm not there quite yet.

I thought it would be fun to take a look at some other strong women who look fabulous with their short hair.

Jamie Lee Curtis. I think she is the definition of a strong woman and she is known for her short hair. I mean, not many women are comfortable enough to wear their hair grey. They're afraid of aging or becoming old but I love the fact that this woman embraces it.

She doesn't try to hide the fact that she's not twenty anymore. And I admire that. :) She goes to show that short hair isn't for the super young, its for everyone.

Next, there're spunky Keira Knightley. Who is the actress in two of my favorite movies ever. Bend it Like Beckham and Pride and Prejudice. Both are amazing. If you haven't seen them...well, watch them!

One makes me wish that I lived in Britain and had super soccer skills. While the other makes me wish that I lived in Britain and had an adorable Mr. Darcy to fall in love with. Sigh. That movie gets me everytime.

But Keira's hair looks so edgy like this. So fun and carefree. Keira is such a beautiful woman. Honestly. I loved her Chanel commericials with Joss Stone singing in the background. I die. [sound like Rachel Zoe, much?]

This post is starting to get kind of long so I decided to cut it off here. Other girls with short hair that I love include Victoria Beckham [honestly how can I talk about pixie hair and not talk about Posh? it seems like I blog about her constantly!] and, Halle Berry [she was kick butt in X-Men], and Natalie Portman [good thing she shaved her head before Britney did. but she has guts. i would never be able to do that.] All these women are amazing.

I feel a little like I'm Tyra Banks, you know, preaching about strong women but...whatever. I can get a little preachy every once and a while, right? I'll just try to spread it out. Okay? Bye!


  1. I saw this on yahoo the other day. I personally love her hair like this, she looks more sophisticated, and mature. I'd love to cut my hair like Keira Knightly but I'm so scared to do so. Great post.

  2. When I first saw it I was VERY upset, I'm still not totally fond of it, but I do applaud her for her bravery. I still prefer her hair longer though, but I'll get used to it eventually, haha

  3. i saw this on yahoo this morning. at first, i was shocked but then i liked it. I love that she's so confident and it really does look good:D

  4. I also saw this on Yahoo! news last night. I was kinda shocked too. But I have to say Emma looks good in it. Though she no longer reminds me of Hermione which makes me a bit sad :(

  5. my post last night was about this! haha. i think she's a very brave girl for having the guts to cut her hair that short. kudos to her!

    <3, Mimi

  6. I love the pixie cut but I don't think I could pull it off!

  7. I like Keira Knightley's cut, but, honestly, I preferred Emma's hair long.

  8. I agree with you, I LOVE her hair! I want to cut mine like that, but I'm too scared. It looks great on her!

  9. She looks pretty, but I'd NEVER have the confidence to do this!
    xo Josie

  10. I adore pixie, neither I'm self-confident enough to cut my hair so much now but I think I'm heading to it too. Emma looks absolutely gorgeous!

  11. i love the hair short hair cut
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