Wednesday, January 15, 2014

LUSH "Snow Fairy" Shower Gel Review

LUSH "Snow Fairy" Shower Gel
It's time for another LUSH review! Be warned that there might be a few LUSH posts in the next few weeks. I got a bunch of goodies for Christmas and during their Buy One, Get One Free After Christmas Sale and I've been going a little LUSH crazy. Please forgive me. But today's review is a goodie!

LUSH "Snow Fairy" Shower Gel
The "Snow Fairy" shower gel is one of LUSH's best selling Christmas goodies. And its not hard to see why. The LUSH website describes this shower gel as the perfect addition to anyone's bathroom--"candyfloss pink...with a sweet, magical scent of soothing and comforting vanilla, the flecks of blue glitter leave you shimmering."

LUSH soaps sometimes get a bad reputation for not lathering well but this--I'm glad to say--is not the case with "Snow Fairy". It only takes a nickel size dollop to clean my whole body and it lathers as well as traditional shower gel. It normally retails for $9.95 for the smaller 3.3 fl oz bottle (the one pitctured above) or $28.95 for the larger 16.9 fl oz bottle. I could never imagine spending thirty dollars on a shower gel. The only reason I bought "Snow Fairy" was because it smelled fantastic and it was half-off. But in the days since I've been using this shower gel (my first from LUSH) I haven't noticed a big discrepancy in quality between LUSH and other brands. 

LUSH "Snow Fairy" Shower Gel
I included this pictures because I thought that the instructions were very helpful. "Get naked, hop in the shower and lather up." Good to know. Also, fun fact. The sparkles in the shower gel are completely biodegradable. I love using this stuff--it feels luxurious and girly--but I won't be repurchasing any time soon. I think that it's a lot to spend on shower gel and I think that my shower gel from Bath & Body Works works just as well.


  1. Such gorgeous pictures - and it's really made us want to try this! Love LUSH :)
    Eve & Faye x
    Sugar Spun Sisters - A blog about cosmetics, clothes & coeliac disease

  2. Thanks so much for this review! I live in Montana and we don't have any Lush stores in the state. I've been itching to try some of their products! I recently was exposed to them through Zoella! ♥

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